Umbra Sheer Physical Daily Defense SPF 30- So, I will be honest. I only swiped this once and immediately regretted it because 1) it's winter and 2) it was sticky! I don't know about you, but I am never a fan of the gluey SPF film that's left after you goop up. Maybe I need to give this another go, but I haven't really felt like I need this step (although I know skincare specialists are tsk tsking at me right now because I know sun care is important!).
Virgin Marula Luxury Facial Oil- Another really hydrating serum that I also feel really helps with some of my appearing facial lines. I've never felt the need to have anti-aging products in my routine, but if it helps then I will give it a go.
Beste No. 9 Jelly Cleanser- Okay to be honest, I haven't given this cleanser a go quite yet- I'm finishing up my CeraVe Foaming Cleanser :)
This time of year is when I would normally be hashing out papers or getting a jump on school projects, but now that I am working full-time where I'm not jumping from topic to topic or class to class, I've found it important for me to center my focus on daily tasks, hitting those deadlines, but also making time for myself to protect my much needed me-time.
For those who know me, I always have to be productive otherwise I get bored twiddling my thumbs and waiting for the next assignment. However, there are going to be many times in my life when I don't have that necessary time for me to recharge. Even working from home has made me feel guilty for stepping away from my screen just to walk my dog. Not prioritizing the time I would have had during my daily commute to decompress, listen to music, or just take a walk is going to result in burnout and we don't want that. So, here are some things I do to decompress after a long day!
Above all else, commit to yourself
There will always be fear when it means making yourself vulnerable, specifically pushing your body in ways you never have before. I understand it's different for everyone and is definitely something I constantly feel and face when I'm experiencing a new workout, trying a new yoga pose, or going past a limit I know I may or may not be capable of. What we've learned from this year is that we are afraid of everything that is uncertain to us—isn't that how fear works? To hell with fear!
We have learned so much this year about how to adapt to uncertainty. At times, getting too comfortable in our bubbles, but mainly because we had to! We are coming out of our cocoons, not really knowing which direction to go in, but yet we go anyway because anywhere is better than that depressing and claustrophobic cocoon of comfort. Take a leap of faith and have trust in yourself and the process. There may be dust in the wind for sure, but getting through it is how you grow into a beautifully independent and empowered butterfly that is you!
Breathe and Let Be
You are exactly where you were meant to be. Your time will come and it's okay to let yourself take a moment to pause. And do what you need to do in this exact moment. More stretching less pressing, smaller reps, a slower pace, one less mile, and all at one step at a time. You will have moments of doubt, regret, anger, jealousy, you pick your poison. Acknowledge it. Use it.
Breath has the power to transform your mindset, your strength, and motivation. Use your breath in harmony with and not against your progress to becoming a better you. Scream. Literally scream. You'll feel much better, I swear ;) You are going to have really rough sets, lousy reps, and just outright lazy days. Recognize how it makes you feel. Reflect and use this frustration or self-doubt to drive positive and more considerate thoughts. Breathe in the good and out the bad. Trust me, your body and mind will thank you.
There is only one way to go—forward. No matter how you get there. Working out and focusing on your personal fitness, however you define it, doesn't have to be justified by measure of appearances or fulfilling a standard of what you "think" being fit is. Ultimately, the goal of reaching your best fitness is treating your body in ways that, at the end of the day, make you feel bubbly inside, smile more, and feeds your soul!

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