
The Open Truth About Making "Space"

Making space can be hard when you're living in a room you've since grown out of, staring at the same four walls you've painted over and over again, and finding room for growth can seem disheartening even when you've become satisfied by making tweaks here and there. 

Recently, I've discovered the importance of making "space," or similarly, making room in my life for opportunities, discomfort, happiness, risk, and all else in between. 

After months of introspection and working on myself—focusing on my mentality, physicality, and fostering relationships with those I care about, not to mention with those who show up—I have also realized the intricacies of living openly, freely, and accepting whatever may come my way. 
As of late I've found it simpler to make "space" in my life rather than trying to control my surroundings, my interactions, my relationships, or my career. It's a vulnerable process. Having to submit to a "going with the flow" mentality is not always easy, especially for someone like me who is type-A and is constantly trying to fill out this "template" for how life should be. 

I've learned through the people around me that we just cannot obsess about how the next day, night, week, or season will go. No matter what we're "waiting for" or "looking forward to," I can't help but wonder what I would be missing out on if I didn't just make space to be vulnerable, open, and willing to step outside of this comfort bubble in the current moment. Extending my capabilities beyond pre-set expectations. 

Now you're probably wondering what all of this metaphorical mush is about (and I'll get there don't worry), but one example of this has been my strength journey and relationship with exercise as of late. For months I was always intimidated by the power-lifting at the gym, but through supportive friends and trainers who talked me through the process of safely and effectively weight lifting, I was able to squat 135 pounds! Look at them gains! 

As a woman lifting that much weight in the gym, I thought I was going to take up space, but being uplifted by fellow trainers and even other people working out around me, I felt confident, secure, and powerful about making my own space to be a little uncomfortable and to try something new. I took that risk to see how far my body could take me. 
Making enough space or just the right amount of space is contingent upon your comfort level, but taking those moments to step back and be open to the possibility of change, or creating change, in your life can happen in an instant. It's truly all about your mindset. 

I'm definitely at this point in my life where everything is new, but at the same time, I have to stop trying to submit to one way of living, thinking, or being and just allow things to come as they please. 

Whether it be reaching new strengths, reconnecting with old friends and forming new ones, being okay with spending time alone with myself, or planning spontaneous adventures—I know I am capable of creating those growth opportunities if I just make space for it. 

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